A. This is a site designed to display the information from the https://www.propertypriceregister.ie
along with data from other sources in a way we think is useful. There is no commercial affiliation, so the information, graphs, and indexes are as unbiased as they can be.
Q. Why does the site exist?
A. The initial site started because the data in the register was (and is) not clean. Some just have different capitalisations, others have slightly different ways of writing the addresses, making grouping or matching hard, others have spelling mistakes. For example, take a look at this property PPR Address: 36 G;embrppl, Ba;llyroan, Co Laois Cleaned Address: 36 Glenbrook, Ballyroan, Co Laois
The other reason is that we are programmers, and by extension, lazy people. We did not want to keep having to check if the register was updated, then check if property X that was sold had appeared yet. Thus the email alerts were born.
Q. Where does the information come from?
A. We pull the main data set from https://www.propertypriceregister.ie/. They in turn get the information from the Revenue Commissioners and the eStamping system. Data is entered by the purchaser's solicitor.
Q. Can you remove information about my property? Q. My property has not been sold but is listed on your site. Please remove it.
A. The information on our site is just straight from the Government databases. The Property Services (Regulation) Act 2011 specifies that all properties sold in Ireland will be visible on the register and as such there is no way to remove any of them. As long as data appears in the main register, this site will continue to mirror it. If your property is listed but has not been sold, please forward the details to info@psr.ie and let them know. They will feed the data back to the Revenue who will hopefully be able to trace the incorrect record and get it resolved.
Q. What can I do if there is an error in the information? Price is wrong, address is wrong etc
A. If the problem is in any of the PPR fields on the site, then first try contacting the Property Services Regulatory Authority directly at info@psr.ie. They are passing information back to the Revenue and it does appear to be feeding back into the database.
You may have some luck contacting your solicitor if you are the purchaser as they are able to update the eStamping system from which the original records are built by the Revenue. It should then filter through to all the sites after a few weeks.
More information about VAT calculations is available below if you are looking at a New Sale.
Q. What is different about new builds and VAT? You are calculating the price wrong.
A. New builds do not include VAT when included in the source price register. The price in our search results and graphs has been automatically updatedto take this into account and includes VAT at 13.5% for these to normalise the price with other properties.
To give a full example using real figures: New property A sold for €215000 including VAT. The price paid by the buyer is €215000. The amount that appears in the register source is €189427.31. (The number is calculated automatically by the Revenue systems) We normalise the €189427.31 figure back to €215000 for graphs and search results.
The figure displayed is solely the property sale price, and is independent of any stamp duty, booking fees, etc that may have been paid.
Revenue Reference -
"If you are referring to the prices of newly built properties on the register, you should add VAT at 13.5%." Citizens Information -
"if you paid €227,000 (including VAT) for your new house, this is made up of the base price of €200,000 plus 13.5% VAT(€27,000) and you only pay stamp duty on the base price of €200,000."
A site such as https://vatcalculator.eu/ireland-vat-calculator/ will let
you enter your own sale price to see the calculated figures based on the 13.5% VAT rate. See the question above for who to contact if the register values are incorrect.
Q. How much is my property worth?
A. Our site just lists the sale prices of properties as per the official register. We can't offer advice on what the value of your own property should be. Both daft.ie and
myhome.ie have tools which can help you further.
Q. How do you clean the address details?
A. For the most part, the fixing of the address records is automatic. We have a large set of rules to update and fix most of the common mistakes that have appeared. As others get noticed, we update and amend the ruleset. There is and probably always will be a set of addresses that need to be manually fixed as well. We have planned an option to allow end users to suggest fixes for addresses on the site, but for now if you notice anything, please let us know using the contact form.
Q. How quickly do you update your database?
A. We usually get our database in sync with the PPR within a few hours of a new release. Graphs and other indexes take a little bit longer to regenerate across the site.
Q. Why don't you simply delete and re-import the PPR spreadsheet, surely that is easy?
A. Most definitely it would be easier to simply import the spreadsheet each time there is a new release, but doing so would mean we would lose any updates to the properties that we made. We would also have to re-code and re-fix all the properties on each import.
The reason the import and sync is difficult is because there is no uniqueid provided for each property in the spreadsheets. So on a reimport, if an address changes you need to decide if this is a new sale, or just an old sale getting a typo fixed.
So far we have noticed properties even back in 2010 getting added or having typos fixed, but hopefully this will calm down as the database becomes more stable.
For the record, we do NOT blame the PSRA. Data comes from the Revenue via the PPR that they provide and it is completely
understandable that they would not try to "fix" things on their end. It is great that they have taken the steps of providing a spreadsheet for download instead of restricting access only through their search pages. Other government agencies could learn a lot from this approach!
Q. How often do email alerts get sent? Can I customise that?
A. Email Alerts get sent after a database update occurs. There is currently no time schedule of when the updates will occur but so far it looks to be every 1-2 weeks. There is no option on our end to customise how often the alerts happen, but if the PPR database starts getting updated more often, we will add one.
Q. What does not full market price actually mean?
A. In a small number of transactions included in the Register the price shown does not represent the full market price of the property concerned for a variety of reasons. For example, the price declared may reflect the retention of an interest in the property by the previous owner, or the fact that a part or fraction only of the property is being purchased; alternatively, the property may have been purchased at a reduced price under the Affordable Homes Scheme. In addition, in a very small number of cases, properties may be declared as purchased in exchange for other property, stocks and shares, etc. Because of this, we now exclude these properties from both the average and median graph calculations. More graphs are coming which will give you an idea of how many properties are involved.
Q. How can I help?
A. If you notice any bugs or errors with the site, contact form to report them. If you have suggestions for new features, we would also love to hear them but unless you are willing to sponsor them, we can not guarantee they will be implemented.
Q. Can you provide a downloadable version of your database?
A. Not currently and we do not have any plans to do the required development work to do so. The source information is available in downloadable csv files from https://www.propertypriceregister.ie/.
Q. Why don't you do X?
A. Probably because we don't know that people want X. There is a list of things coming but if there is something you want to see, or something you think we should do differently, let us know. We will be happy to add most things if time allows.
Q. I like what you do, how can I support this work?
A. Let others know about the site and the functionality. Consider buying us a coffee to keep us coding longer and improving the site more.
Q. Privacy and cookie policy
A. https://propertypriceregisterireland.com/ will set a session cookie if you provide your email address for the purpose of email alerts. This email will be stored along side your requested alerts to satisfy this purpose.
Google may set a number of cookies for the provision of advertisments that may appear on some pages. Further details on this is available from their page here.