Property Price Register Ireland

About / Some Questions Answered

Q. What is this site?

Q. Why does the site exist?

Q. Where does the information come from?

Q. Can you remove information about my property?
Q. My property has not been sold but is listed on your site. Please remove it.

Q. What can I do if there is an error in the information? Price is wrong, address is wrong etc

Q. What is different about new builds and VAT? You are calculating the price wrong.

Q. How much is my property worth?

Q. How do you clean the address details?

Q. How quickly do you update your database?

Q. Why don't you simply delete and re-import the PPR spreadsheet, surely that is easy?

Q. How often do email alerts get sent? Can I customise that?

Q. What does not full market price actually mean?

Q. How can I help?

Q. Can you provide a downloadable version of your database?

Q. Why don't you do X?

Q. I like what you do, how can I support this work?

Q. Privacy and cookie policy